Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Simplifying Square and Cube Roots

Watch this video as many times as you need. WSQ in your notebooks.  

W = Work out any problems assigned during the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  This can be done using bullets.  List at least 3 things you learned from this video or important things to remember about this lesson.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video. This can also be a question that sparks discussion or causes other to think about the topic more deeply.


1. How do you simplify square roots?
2. How do you simplify cubed roots?
3. What happens if you are trying to simplify an expression that is not a perfect square or perfect cube?

Monday, December 1, 2014

Computing with Scientific Notation

Watch this video as many times as you need. WSQ in your notebooks.  

W = Work out any problems assigned during the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  This can be done using bullets.  List at least 3 things you learned from this video or important things to remember about this lesson.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video. This can also be a question that sparks discussion or causes other to think about the topic more deeply.

1. How do you multiply numbers in scientific notation?
2. How do you divide numbers in scientific notation?
3. How do you add and subtract numbers in scientific notation?
4. How is adding and subtracting numbers in scientific notation similar to working with algebraic expressions?